AGE: 6 years
SEX: Spayed Female
WEIGHT: 29 lbs.
KIDS: Yes, ages 8+ and dog savvy
DOGS: Yes, laid-back male
After a long stint in foster care, please welcome Bulma to the available page! This gorgeous girl’s allergies are a lifelong condition and she must be tended to on a regular basis to prevent ear and skin infections. The poor girl is basically allergic to the world, and unfortunately, even under the best of circumstances, Bulma can have flair-ups. She’s in good health (and spirits) otherwise and ready to find the perfect forever home!
Bulma has been diagnosed with IVDD which is common in bulldogs. While she is fully mobile at this time, her mobility could be impacted in the future. Her forever family should be familiar with the symptoms and always monitor her for any symptoms. They should also take measures to prevent her from jumping on and off furniture or going up and down stairs, and having an extra savings account just for Bulma would be the bee’s knees!
In addition to her raw diet, Bulma requires Cytopoint injections, takes Apoquel daily and Prednisone as needed to keep her allergies in check. Nature’s Farmacy and other supplements, Zymox ear cleaner, BioHex shampoo, Colloidal Silver, Douxo wipes…phwew! We know it sounds like a lot. And indeed it is! However, all of these things keep Bulma feeling her best. Taking proper care of Bulma is time consuming and the supplies needed are expensive. We think she’s absolutely worth it!!
With all that out of the way, let’s get on to the good stuff about this pretty pied girl. Bulma has a big personality and will gladly share it! She's ready to bring all that to her forever home. She’s a good watch dog, letting everyone know if someone approaches the house. Because of this, Bulma may not do well in an apartment since anyone walking down the hall, or any unfamiliar noise, would trigger her reaction.
Bulma’s activity level is pretty average for a Frenchie with just one exception. Give her an orange ball and she’ll play fetch until she drops! Including doing a whole song and dance that covers half the backyard before she gets the ball in her mouth and begins to return it! Walks are great and Bulma is enthusiastic, but a short walk will do. Bulma is an elegant lady so getting her feet wet and any exposure to rain or snow is completely unacceptable. She tends to dominate her foster brother, usually without issue, although he does defend his stuffies! Since Bulma destroys them so easily, it’s a good thing he’s willing to defend them. Antlers are the best chew toys for Bulma and they tend to keep her occupied for a while.
Potty training has been an on-going project. Between medications and illnesses, Bulma hasn’t always maintained good potty manners. She will need a patient family who is willing to work with her. We think she’d enjoy children in her forever home, but prefer older, dog-savvy children who could potentially help with her daily care. Someone who is home all day or has a flexible schedule would be ideal. A home with minimal carpet and a HEPA filter would be immensely helpful for Bulma! She’s at her best when her allergies are under control. Bulma would love a canine companion in her forever home. However, she is a bit pushy, sitting on her foster brother if he’s in her spot, so a more laid back fur companion is best. Bulma may adjust to an office setting, but due to her allergies the change in environment could cause flare-ups.
Here’s a few things Bulma’s foster mom wants you to know, “As cute as she is, she is a huge responsibility as far as her care. I am looking for a family who can make a 100% commitment to Bulma’s quality of life. I don’t think she has slept through the night without scratching, except on very few occasions while in my care. It must be so exhausting to be so uncomfortable in your own skin. On the bright side she is so much better than when she arrived in FBRN’S care. Despite it all, Bulma’s sweet personality remains and she has tolerated everything including being dressed in silly shirts to protect her skin.”
If you are ready for a sweetie who needs some very special care and attention, but gives back a thousand-fold in joy, consider filling out an application and planning a trip to Long Island. Sweet Bulma is too big to fly and would require travel by land. FBRN does not ship dogs as cargo, so adopters are expected to pick up their dogs from their foster family.
FBRN dogs are in foster care in people’s private homes. For the foster families’ safety, we do not disclose specific locations and we do not set up meet and greets prior to applications. For detailed information about the dogs in our care, please read the extensive bios on each dog.
About Bulma:
BULMA has IVDD and should be monitored for flare ups. She must always be carried up and down stairs and must not be allowed to jump on or off the furniture.
Bulma has severe allergies including storage mites and must remain on a raw diet, Nature’s Farmacy supplements, Nordic Naturals Omega-3 Pet supplements, daily Apoquel and Prednisone, regular Cytopoint shots, and have regular medicated baths.
She has a history of ear and skin infections that must be monitored for recurrence.
For the beautiful Ms. Bulma! Denise Belair
Dear Bulma, may I suggest putting on your saddest of sad faces during your medical baths? They work wonders for getting some extra treats! Feel better. Love, your fellow frenchie Big B
Hey Pretty Girl how about some coin to get a box of your favorite cookies. From Yoda and Benny! Oh don’t forget mom. (Kim)
For Bulma!!!! She needs a T-Shirt and treats and maybe a tutu!! Love Andree
Ashley Coyle-Caton
For Miss Bulma. . . much love Pamela Carlson
Zaneta Batko
Beautiful Bulma keep some coin in your pocket xxx Pamela Carlson
A little something to brighten your day in celebration of Suki's 4th Birthday. Gail White
Bulma, After my FBRN grad, Ida, went to the Rainbow Bridge, I wasn’t sure when I would smile again. Then, I saw your face and my heart was so happy! Let me know when you make it to the available page, OK? I have my eyes and heart on you! Kristin Bailey
Bulma's adorable smile captured my heart! Wishing you the best, sweet girl. -Colleen
Christine Schmidt
Take care sweet girl. - The Grays
Ashley Glodde
For sweet Bulma. Destinie Ames