Age: 1 year
Sex: Spayed female
Weight: 14 lbs
Kids: Yes, responsible, ages 12+
Cats: No
Dogs: Yes, gentle under 20 lbs
Fenced Yard: Not Required
Adoption Fee: $400
Dorey doesn’t let anything get her down. Just look at that smile! She’s always happy and she’s looking for that perfect forever home where she can continue to spread joy. If an active, energetic, and very smart Frenchie sounds like a perfect fit for your family, please read on. As you read, consider the potential lifestyle change and the substantial cost of adopting a special needs dog. An ample savings account is required to properly care for Dorey as her pre-existing condition and future complications arising from that will not be covered by insurance. FBRN recommends having $10,000 saved and on hand. There is a high risk of emergency back surgery and multi-day hospitalization at any time. Crowdfunding is not an option since back surgery is highly time-sensitive and must be performed immediately.
Dorey was purchased as a puppy in Southern California. Unfortunately, after just a few months, her family noticed that she was having difficulty standing and walking using her hind legs. A neurologist diagnosed her with a severe spinal deformity. Dorey was then taken to see one of the few surgeons who could perform a corrective procedure. That procedure would have been quite costly and afterwards Dorey might have needed additional surgical procedures. After this news, Dorey’s family made the difficult decision to surrender her to FBRN.
Dorey's condition is not the usual degenerative IVDD seen in Frenchies. She has spinal deformities which can be seen externally. She has significant humps on her back and chest. The surgery that is indicated for correction is extremely expensive and at the time of her surrender was only available at a few locations. When she came to FBRN, the available surgeon declined doing the procedure as the risk did not warrant the limited probability of success.
For these reasons, Dorey must be protected from spinal injury even more than the average Frenchie. Her rib cage and spine could collapse if she is injured. For these reasons though she loves all dogs and children, she will need to be in a home with dogs smaller than her to minimize the chance of injury during play. Children must be old enough to understand the gravity of protecting her and not likely to fall on her. Also, because of her hind end weakness, Dorey is also prone to neck injury. An emergency vet visit plus additional therapy is several hundred dollars, and also comes with weeks of lifestyle changes as Dorey recovers.
Dorey has no allergies, takes no medications, and doesn’t require a special diet. She has limited mobility and some urinary incontinence when she sleeps and when she gets excited, both of which could worsen as Dorey gets older. While in foster care, Dorey’s routine includes regular cold laser therapy, hydrotherapy, physical therapy, and daily therapy exercises at home. After months of therapy, Dorey can now walk regularly on all four legs. She is indeed a miracle puppy! However, her spine may worsen, and there is no guarantee that she will always be as mobile as she is now.
Regular physical therapy is the best way to prevent regression and Dorey’s forever family must continue her current therapy routines both in and out of the home. Applicants should ask themselves if they can afford continued therapy for Dorey. To prevent injury, Dorey should not be allowed to jump on or off of furniture or use stairs. She has been fitted for a custom cart from Eddie's Wheels, which she'll come with, but does not need at this time.
Because of her weak hind end, Dorey is prone to neck injury. An emergency vet visit plus additional therapy is several hundred dollars, and also comes with weeks of lifestyle changes as Dorey recovers. There is a high risk of emergency back surgery and multi-day hospitalization at any time.
Dorey is potty trained, and does her best to hold it when she can. As her back and leg muscle strength has improved, so has her continence. Foster mom has found that diapers are helpful at bedtime and when Dorey is out in public places. Dorey requires 8+ hours of diaper-free time each day to prevent diaper rash and UTIs. She can certainly wear diapers during other times, but she must be changed and have her skin cleansed regularly. Cost estimate for diapers and baby wipes is around $50/month and potential adopters must be prepared for this cost.
Dorey LOVES socializing! Children are her favorite, but adults are sure to get lots of attention from Dorey too. Dorey seeks out children and her favorite room at church is the nursery. Dorey has exhibited some nipping behavior during play with her foster mom and would benefit from continued training. Contact with children must be closely monitored, as many kids find picking up Frenchies an irresistible temptation--and it would take just one drop even from a low height, to end Dorey's new mobility for good. Any children in her forever home would have to be responsible, 12 years or older to understand the gravity of protecting her from spinal injury.
Even with the best preventative care, Dorey may become paralyzed at any time, in which case her care needs and costs will significantly increase and stay at that higher level. Again, because of her pre-existing condition, insurance would not cover these costs. Potential adopters must consider that Dorey may require bladder/bowel expression multiple times daily, additional rehabilitation therapy and additional cleaning and skin care requirements. All of these changes for Dorey will mean lifestyle changes for your family.
Dorey enjoys the company of other dogs and loves to play at the dog park. She is a social butterfly! Dorey would love to have siblings. However, Dorey is an only dog now and she’s doing great with her foster mom who makes sure she gets plenty of social activity. Although she loves to play and socialize, this activity creates opportunity for injury. Any dog siblings would need to be smaller than Dorey with gentle personalities.
Dorey loves her daily walks, and has worked up to 4 miles a day, which she can now comfortably do. She is happier when kept physically and mentally active. Dorey is very energetic, in short bursts, which she alternates with short bursts of snore-filled naps! When the weather doesn’t permit going out, foster mom keeps Dorey occupied with puzzles and challenging toys.
Dorey is adaptable and we think she’d do well in many different home environments. She’s doing great with her foster mom’s routine in a high rise condo. She also does great when she gets to visit Grandma in the suburbs where she has a fenced yard to explore. A fenced yard would make it easier to reinforce potty training, especially in the morning. However, Dorey is trained to use pee pads and has minimal accidents with her current routine.
Dorey is in a single-adult home now, and a stay at home person isn’t needed. She frequently accompanies her foster mom to the office and sports her cutest diaper!
Here are a few words from Dorey’s loving foster mom, “Dorey is truly a miracle puppy! When Foster Mom got her at 8 months, she was almost paraplegic and mostly dragging, and the neurologist thought she had myelomalacia and would not live long. With intensive physical therapy, she has proven everyone wrong and can now walk on all four legs and even run and sometimes do little skips! Her absolute number one love is children -- she prefers being with them above being with adults and is extremely tolerant and gentle with them. But if she can't be with children, then being with other people and dogs makes her very happy. Everyone always remarks that she looks like she always has a smile on her face, and it's true! She is everyone's little ray of sunshine! She snores like a truck engine, and her whole body vibrates, so it's like trying to sleep while hugging a lawnmower, but she is so cute, how can you not?! She always likes to be touching someone, whether sleeping, or sitting in the pew at church, or watching TV on the couch. She has the sweetest personality, just like Dory the Disney fish -- #justkeepswimming! She has no idea she is disabled or different, she just loves everyone!”
If you’d like Dorey to swim into your home, please apply for her today! She's in NW WA state.
FBRN dogs are in foster care in people's private homes. For the foster families' safety, we do not disclose specific locations, and we don't set up meet and greets prior to applications. For detailed information about the dogs in our care, please read the extensive bios on each dog.
FBRN does not ship dogs as cargo. Adopters are expected to pick up their dogs from their foster family.
Dorey has IVDD and has been diagnosed with T3-L3 myelopathy secondary to severe thoracic vertebral malformation (hemi vertebrae and kyphosis) resulting in instability and severe extradural spinal cord compression. She has limited hind end mobility and has a cart for supervised use. She must always be carried up and down stairs and must not be allowed to jump off furniture. Dorey must continue cold laser therapy, hydrotherapy, and physical therapy. She is partially urinary incontinent when sleeping and with excitement. Dorey has a history of urinary tract infections that must be monitored for recurrence. Dorey had cherry eye surgery on her left eye on 01.30.2020 which was successful. She must be monitored for recurrence.
Hope this helps Dorey. omar lozano
Christine Ritter
Best wishes for Dorey! Sandra Rivetts
My frenchie had serious back issues, making her hind legs stop working 4 y ago. She came thru a complex surgery and physical therapy process w/ great results. She now has the cutest walk in the city. I do believe in Frenchie miracles, GO Dorey! Maria Fernanda B Nogueira
I hope this small beautiful girl will recover. I wish her to be strong and defeat this disease. Alena Pavlichenko
For Dorey’s Cart! With tons of love and in memory of Jake Holupka. Tracey Holupka
Stephen Hart
MaryAlice Kouba
I am making a donation to sponsor Dorey. My Frenchie Olive is our little angel in heaven. She had spinal issues as well. She was a strong little girl who defied the odds. Stay strong Dorey. I know my angel is watching over you. Mary Anthony
Just keep swimming!!!! Julia Atkins
Jack Cowan