Ready to Donate?
Donating to FBRN is now easier than ever! If you would like to have your paypal account automatically drafted each month you may specify an amount using the link to the right. Your account will be drafted at the same time every month and you will receive an email containing a receipt for your "purchase" each time your account is drafted.
Thank you for your payment!
To make donations in honor of or in memory of a loved one:
please include your message when you check out through PayPal in the 'Enter any notes here' section. Once your order has been processed, your message will be posted here.
No donation is required to post a memorial of your dog.
If you are making a donation in someone's honor, please use the"special instructions to seller" box on the final PayPal page to leave your message and also let us know their name and email address so we can notify them of your gift.
If you would like to make a donation to a particular dog, please do so through their foster page by clicking on their picture and following the link to paypal. You will be able to specify an amount and leave a special note.
You can also donate appreciated securities:
Did you know that you can donate appreciated securities to FBRN and get a great tax break too? If you were to sell your appreciated securities, you would have to pay capital gains tax and only have the "net" to donate. However, if you transfer those securities directly to FBRN, you get to take a charitable donation deduction for the fair market value (even though you originally paid less) and won't have to pay capital gains tax either. FBRN can then sell the securities and receive the full fair market value to help our foster dogs! If you're ready to donate appreciated securities please contact our donations coordinator, Susan Congdon, and we can provide the necessary information to facilitate the transfer.
You may also send a donation by check!
Please make payable to:
FBRN, PO Box 4764, Glen Allen, VA 23058-4764
If your donation is over $500 and you want a donation letter, please indicate so with your check and provide an email address.
This PO Box is checked once per month and the mail forwarded to the current treasurer, resulting in a delay in processing.
Donate a car to FBRN!
Visit to donate your car, truck, van, SUV, boat, motorcycle, ATV, RV, trailer or airplane. Fbrn then earns a portion of the proceeds.
To cancel your monthly donation,
please visit this link.
French Bulldog Rescue Network a Nonprofit Corporation
(F.B.R.N.) is a GuideStar Platinum Participant.
Want to learn more about the GuideStar Nonprofit Program? Click here