In Memory of Dolly
Dearest Dolly:
Everyone gushes over their dog. Well, true, you really WERE the best dog who ever lived. But that's not what needs to be said here.
This is what needs to be said:
Some people are blesssed because they shared their soul with an animal. These are the lucky people who know that animals are put here to rescue us from the ugliness and loneliness of life. Animals show us that the mundane is special. They calm us down. They put things in perspective. They protect us with their love and keep us humble.
Dolly, you did all those things for your family. You blessed us. You touched me like no one ever has or ever will. I'll miss you every day of my life. I miss your snoring. I miss your brown eyes. I miss your happy waddling as you sniffed weeds and dirt in the front yard (like I said, the mundane became special).
I'll see you again, my darling. My brave girl. Many, many people loved you.
Love, Mom and your entire family.